October Talance Newsletter: Website Relief Package

[This little gem is the text of issue our e-mail newsletter subscribers just received. Want a slice of this for yourself? Sign up now.]

Hi, Friends.

Synagogues, congregations and tiny organizations, hold on to your socks. Big news here at Talance. We’ve just launched a super-sweet deal for you. In addition to our excellent custom websites, for only $1999, you can have a fabulous Drupal website that can grow and evolve with you.

»Click here to get started!

Here’s how it works:

1.Pick your favorite design

Get started with a clean, super-powered website hosted on the Drupal content management system (CMS). It includes tools for improving search engine optimization, a Microsoft Word-like text editor and six months free Web hosting. Yep, free.


Send us your logo (if you have one – we can help if you don’t), your two favorite colors and a couple pictures to include on the homepage. You can also pick from any of these Web tools for free:

Interactive Calendar
Advanced site search
File storage
Membership forms
Members-only section
Photo album
Registration form
Shabbat times calendar
Weekly Torah Portion (from MyJewishLearning)

You can keep updating from an extensive list of advanced Web tools.

3. Relax

We do all the set-up and configuration to get you up online fast – in just five working days. You read that right. Five.

» Get started right now!

And make sure to tell your friends about this stellar offer! We’re at (888) 810-9109 or use this form.

Your Internet pal,


Spotlight on Mass Mentoring Partnership

We’re really glad to have worked with this stellar organization on a few projects, the most recent being a redesigned website. Check out the new and improved Mass Mentors, including it’s snappy new slideshow, colors and upgraded design.

»See it

Two Learning Opps for Organizations

Please join Talance for two special in-person appearances in Massachusetts:

Online Tools – How Can They Help Your Business Grow
eBiz 2009, sponsored by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce
Oct. 23, 2009
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

It’s your chance to pick up advice and tips on free and nearly-free online tools from Talance’s CEO Monique Cuvelier at this panel discussion hosted by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. Sign up for a full day of e-business tips.

»Sign up for eBiz 2009!

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and More: Creating Relationships with Volunteers and the Public through Social Media, sponsored by the Massachusetts Service Alliance
Nov. 10, 2009
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

During this 3-hour in-person workshop, Monique Cuvelier will cover 1) How to maximize your reach to existing and potential volunteers; 2) Strategies for putting together a social media plan; and 3) The essential tools and services, including tips on streamlining your social media practice.

»Sign up for Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and More!

Blog Favorites

In honor of our new offering for congregations, here are some highlights from the Talance Friendly Web Tools Blog. Make sure you’re reading http://talance.com/blog and get automatic updates of new articles.

10 Things To Include on Your Synagogue Site – Now!

30 Ideas on How Congregations Can Use Twitter

Five Great Takeaways from Church Websites

Killer Church Websites

Nonprofit Tech Tips from a Wired Rabbi

Need Some Help?

Talance has helped clients launch scores of projects, ranging from websites to online newsletters to CRM projects. Please click here to schedule a time to talk about your next project or to request a proposal.

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