This is an excellent question that I found while trolling through LinkedIn Answers, but it’s not unlike standard brainstorming questions I’m asked every time we launch an e-learning project.
Read the full discussion here, or check out these highlights:
The Machine is Us/ing Us. Very creative and compelling way to tell the story of Web 2.0 through imagery.
5 Tips for Success. Really funny video created by Articulate that shows the capabilities of their product and also outlines what doesn’t work with web presentations.
Mortgage-Backed Securities. A good explanation of a complicated and possibly dry subject.
How about you? Seen any examples of e-learning videos lately that you particularly like? Add them in the comments below.
[Have a question you’d like answered? Ask on the comments form at the bottom of this page, on Twitter @talance, or on Facebook. We’ll review your question before posting (don’t be shy about asking!) and get back to you with a response.]