Too many of the non-profits and religious organizations that come to us think of their communications strategies as one-way streets that never intersect. While they may send messages through their website, Twitter account or Facebook Page, many never ask for feedback or take steps to build a conversation. Instead, they’re focused on one-way announcements of ticket sales or special initiatives.
Usually, those messages never intersect with a blended communications strategy. You may see that a church has a Facebook account – but only if you happen to come across it on Facebook.
The important thing to remember is that someone who might be really interested in what you do might not be a Facebook or Twitter user. So that means that if you put all your energy into Facebook or Twitter or any other singular thing, they’ll never find you. Spread it around.
Here are a few good examples of how to blend different communications initiative:
Detailed Twitter Background
Add a custom background on your Twitter page that has information on how to find your website or subscribe to your blog. Check out ours.
Double-Duty Tweets
Send messages on Twitter that point people to useful information on your website or blog. Rather than, “Did you know we have a blog?” try something compelling like a snippet from a recent blog post or initiative, “We’ve placed a bounty on Michael Vick. You read that right. Get details.”
Use Facebook Connect
This plug-in, which works with Drupal and WordPress, in addition to other websites, lets members log onto your website using their Facebook login and share information in both places at once.