- Thou shalt break up long pieces of text with bullets, for it is easier to scan that way.
- Thou shalt use short sentences, even if it feels thou art using more periods than commas. Punchy maketh for better reading.
- Thou shalt bow down and worship thine spell checker.
- Honor the inverted pyramid style of writing. It hath helped journalists for decades for good reason.
- Useth not more than one idea per paragraph. Readers never readeth carefully enough to catch more than one.
- You shalt not make wrongful use of verbs. Choose active verb construction rather than passive.
- Thou shalt cut everything you write in half. Shorter articles art better.
- Thou shalt use highlights, such as bolds and hyperlinks, to call attention to important words.
- Thou shalt not be creative with sub-headings and instead use clear ones. They aren’t the place for cuteness.
- Useth lists and numbers to organize ideas into an easy-to-read format (cf. 10 Commandments).